#trinculo Arlecchino
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dystopianam · 2 years ago
All the Shakespearean references of Veronaville!
Sims inspired by Romeo & Juliet:
Romeo Monty
Mercutio Monty
Juliette Capp
Tybalt Capp
Patrizio Monty and Consort Capp even if don’t inspired by a specific character are the closest thing to the father figure of both families (so they’re inspired in part by Montague and Capulet)
Sims inspired by A Midsummer Night's Dream:
Titania Summerdream
Oberon Gossamer
Puck Summerdream
Bottom Summerdream
Hermia Capp
Sims inspired by The Tempest:
Sycorax Gale
Prospero Gale
Stephano Arlecchino
Trinculo Arlecchino
Caliban Capp
Miranda Capp
Ariel Capp
Sims inspired by King Lear:
Consort Capp
Goneril Capp
Regan Capp
Kent Capp
Cordelia Capp
Albany Capp
Cornwall Capp
Sims inspired by Henry V/VI:
Hal Capp
Quickley Arlecchino
Eleaonor Anjou
Nym Gossamer
Sims inspired by The Taming of the Shrew:
Bianca Monty
Petruchio Amantes
Katherina Amantes
Sims inspired by The Twelfth Night:
Maria Arlecchino
Olivia Monty
Viola Monty
Sims inspired by Measure for Measure:
Angelo Capitano
Mariana Capitano
Lucio Zanni
Overdone Zanni
Vincentio Pantalone
Francisca Pantalone
Claudio Monty
Isabella Monty
Sims inspired by So Much Ado About Nothing;
Benedick Monty
Beatrice Monty
Hero Monty
Claudio Monty
Sims inspired by Othello:
Desdemona Capp
Sims inspired by Hamlet:
Hecuba Albion
Hamlet Dane Sr.
Gertrude Dane
Hamlet Dane Jr.
Sims inspired by The Merchant of Venice:
Bassanio Monty
Portia Monty
Stephano Arlecchino
Antonio Monty
Sims inspired by Antony and Cleopatra:
Cleopatra Capp
Antony Capp
Sims inspired by Julius Caesar:
Julius Caesar
Calpurnia Caesar
Octavious Caesar
Sims inspired by Troilus and Cressida:
Andromache Thebe
Hector Thebe
Sims inspired by Richard III:
Richard Norman
Anne Norman
Sims inspired by Macbeth:
Macduff Scott
Lady Scott
Sims inspired by The Two Gentleman of Verona:
Valentine Monty
Silvia Monty
Proteus Pantalone
Julia Pantalone
Thurio Brighella
Lucetta Brighella
Sims inspired by The Merry Wives of Windsor:
Quickley Arlecchino
Nym Gossamer
Sims inspired by Love's Labour's Lost:
Holofernes Dottore
Maria Arlecchino
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cornyregans · 1 year ago
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GVGP Profile: Hero Monty
Having just gone over the final Capp in-law, we're moving on to the final Monty in-law. It's time for us to cover the only sim in this batch who lacks character data -- Hero Monty.
Hero’s family tree shows that her ancestors were part of the “new blood” brigade. This means that, despite being counted among the fourth generation gang, she’s technically a third generation sim within her birth family. In terms of ancestry, Hero is the daughter of Trinculo and Maria Arlecchino, as well as the granddaughter of Stephano and Quickley Arlecchino, and Petruchio and Katharina Amantes.
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Hero Monty's Genetic Profile
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Hero Monty's Visual Profile
Before her untimely death, Hero was married to Antonio Monty, and they had two children. As such, Hero will be present in her offsprings' genetic profiles, and will be given a mention whenever necessary.
As the daughter of an S2 father and an S3 mother, Hero’s S3 skintone makes perfect sense.
Hair Color
As the daughter of a black-haired father and a brunette mother, Hero’s black hair makes perfect sense. Given that her maternal grandfather also had black hair, there’s a strong possibility that Hero may have been homozygous for the trait.
Eye Color
Hero has two brown-eyed parents. As such, her brown eyes make perfect sense.
As a Whole
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Hero Monty's filled out genetic profile. According to this table, Hero's skintone, hair color, and eye color all make sense when taking her genetic history into account.
Who's Next?
With all the ABC Montys, in-laws, and deceased sims out of the way, the only sims left to cover are the living Lear Capps. Next time, we're going to cover the final knowledge sim in this batch -- Kent Capp.
Thanks for reading!~ <3
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unanimouslalablah · 3 years ago
Antonio Monty and Hero Arlecchino's wedding; 1991.
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For the first time...... this generation, a wedding and marriage did not take place due to a pregnancy, but........ most people did not think that Antonio Monty and Hero Arlecchino would make it down the aisle. They just seemed like COMPLETE opposites; Hero was a social butterfly who was athletic and political, while Antonio was relatively anti-social, who is obsessed with reading and loved to eat anything. Despite that, everyone was glad they made it to the aisle.
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The wedding went by smoothly........ outside of the young brothers Mercutio and Romeo crying about food, boredom, and anything they could. The couple had graduated Academie Le Tour, getting degrees in Philosophy (Antonio) and Drama (Hero). Everyone was proud of them for being the first in their generation into getting their degrees, and doing things the right way.
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tamtam-go92 · 7 years ago
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Today I wanna share a project with you, I’m working on for month now! Namely the recreation of our beloved The Sim 2 Basegame familys for The Sims 4! But for me, it was too boring to recreate them as they appeared during The Sims 2. So I went back in time about 25 years (so you could say The Sims times, but on my oppionion that’s not quiet consistent with Daniel Pleasant and Cassandra Goth’s age. So the families appear different than in The Sims.) and created the parental generation of our beloved The Sims 2 characters together with their children.
The first one to introduce is Trinculo Arlecchino. He is the son of the recently decreased Quickley and Stephano Arlecchino and the husband of Maria. They are the parents of Hero Arlecchino, later known as the decreased wife of Antonio Monty. Trinculo is 36 years old and a barkeeper. 
Traits: Active, Ambitious, Art Lover, Domestic
Aspiration:  Successful Lineage
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simlishnoir · 6 years ago
So a few years ago (okay October 2016) I started working on a timeline-ish for my headcanon of The Sims. Maybe it can give someone inspiration idk.
Legend: Standard text - Names of characters/Important events Italic text - The neighborhoods/worlds Bold text - The games
2009 – Barnacle Bay
2004 – The Sims 2 (Pleasantview, Strangetown, Veronaville), Tycho Curious is born
2000 – Beau Broke and Ariel Capp are born
1997 – Celeste GilsCarbo is born
1994 – Bella Goth is abducted, Desdemona Capp is born
1993 – Alexander Goth, Lucy Burb, Jill Smith and Buck Grunt are born
1992 – Hal Cap, Beatrice Monty and Benedick Monty are born
1988 – Dragon Valley, Juliette Capp and Romeo Monty are born
1987 – Dustin Broke, Dirk Dreamer, Angela Pleasant, Lilith Pleasant and Hermia Capp are born
1986 – Miranda Capp, Tybalt Capp, Mercutio Monty and Ripp Grunt are born
1985 – Sunlit Tides, Tank Grunt is born
1983 – Ophelia Nigmos is born
1982 – Johnny Smith is born
1980 �� Part of SimValley is now incorporated as Old Town in the Greater SimCity area, Nervous Subject is born
1979 – The Sims
1977 – Lucky Palms, Aurora Skies
1976 – Kristen Loste is born
1975 – Kaylynn II Langerak is born
1974 – Ajay Loner is born
1973 – Erin Beaker is born
1971 – Monte Vista, Alice GilsCarbo is born
1969 – Roaring Heights, Dina, Nina Caliente, John Burb, Jennifer Burb née Pleasant, Goopy GilsCarbo and Kent Capp are born
1968 – Cassandra Goth, Brandi Broke née Newbie and Hero Monty née Arlecchino are born
1967 – Don Lothario, Antonio Monty, Loki Beaker and Circe Beaker née Salamis are born
1966 – Mary-Sue Pleasant née Oldie and Regan Capp are born
1965 – Daniel Pleasant, Cornwall Capp née Dane, Lazlo Curious and Lyla Grunt née Vandermorgan are born
1964 – Buzz Grunt is born
1963 – Vidcund Curious is born
1962 – Pascal Curious is born
1961 – Bianca Monty is born
1960 – Areas of Sunset Valley are now known as SimValley
1959 – Goneril Capp is born
1958 – Darleen Dreamer née Matlapin is born
1957 – Albany Capp née Norman, Olivia Monty née Dottore and Jenny Smith are born
1956 – Riverview, Darren Dreamer and Claudio Monty are born
1954 – The Sims 3 (Sunset Valley)
1953 – Sinjin Balani is born
1951 – Cordelia Capp is born
1950 – Caliban Capp née Gale is born
1948 – Skip Broke and Susie Broke are born
1947 – Lola Curious-Smith and Chloe Curious-Smith are born
1946 – Bella Goth née Bachelor and Kaylynn I Langerak are born
1945 – Maria Arlecchino née Amantes, Madhuri Loner and Willow Nigmos are born
1944 – Mortimer Goth, Trinculo Arlecchino and Missy Grunt née Melons-Steel are born
1943 – Chip Grunt, Vikram Loner and Creon Nigmos are born
1942 – Coral Oldié née Ruggbyrne and Tobea Dane née Scott are born
1941 – Ruby Broke, Trigger Broke and Herb Oldie are born
1940 – Hamlet Jr Dane and Daisy Loste are born
1939 – Michael Bachelor, Bob Newbie, Betty Newbie née Simovitch, Brad Burb and Tiffany Burb née Marsh are born
1938 – Adriana Lothario née Fiorello, Parker Langerak and Grainne Salamis née McGork are born
1937 – Nicolo Lothario and Gundrun Beaker née Halfdanarson are born
1936 – Patrizio Monty, Isabella Monty née Pantalone and Arty Loste are born
1935 – Mariana Matlpain, Diane Pleasant née Danders, Jacqueline Vandermorgan and Olive Specter are born
1934 – Lolita Goth, Jeff Pleasant, Consort Capp née Thebe and Ichabod Specter are born
1933 – Omar Matlapin, Contessa Capp and Bjorn Beaker are born
1932 – Katrina Caliente and A.P. Vandermorgan are born
1930 – Delilah Dreamer née Darong is born
1929 – Sunset Valley is founded by Gunther Goth & Chester Landgraab, Nighat Caliente née Al Mahmoud and Davis Dreamer are born
1928 – Judith Dottore née Brighella is born
1927 – Flamenco Caliente, Holofernes Dottore and Kitty Curious née Hogleg are born
1926 – Anne Norman née Anjou and Mary Melons are born
1925 – Zelda Mae, Richard Norman and Xanthos Salamis are born
1924 – Mike Steel is born
1923 – Sycorax Gale is born
1922 – Tango Caliente, Prospero Gale and Glarn Curious are born
1921 – Gertrude Dane, Macduff Scott and Glabe Curious are born
1920 – Hamlet Sr Dane, Lady Scott, Katherina Amantes and Wanda Grunt are born
1919 – Fatima Simovitch, Anastasia Marsh, Stephano Arlecchino and Rock Grunt are born
1918 – Robert Sr Newbie, Susan Burb, Quickly Arlecchino and Bhu Frehndly are born
1917 – Mags Newbie, Willian Marsh, Petruchio Amantes and Milony Frehndly are born
1916 – Vadim Simovitch, Mamie Ruggbyrne, Benjamin Burb and Andromache Thebe are born
1915 – Bruno Ruggbyrne, Iliana Langerak née Mae, Hector Thebe née Albion and Lerato Muenda are born
1914 – Agnes Crumplebottom, Jocasta Bachelor, Mary Lu Broke, Dustin Langerak and Peponi Muenda are born
1913 – Isabella Fiorello, Irma Oldie and Kavi Loner are born
1912 – Simis Bachelor, Erik Darling, Primo Fiorello and Jeevika Loner are born
1911 – Buck Broke and Myron Oldie are born
1910 – Hecate Nigmos is born
1909 – Frida Goth, Benazir Al Mahmoud, Carmelo Lothario, Scribonia Capp, Moira McGork and Zog Nigmos are born
1908 – Tariq Al Mahmoud, Mama Lothario, Francisca Pantalone née Zanni and Ingibjorg Halfdanarson are born
1907 – Melinda Danders, Octavius Capp née Caesar, Silvia Monty née Capitano and Gwrtheyrn McGork are born
1906 – The Great Fire of SimCity, Flat Broke, Flo Broke, Kynda Pleasant, Valentine Monty and Leif Halfdanarson are born
1905 – Sef Darong, Lina Darong, Marshall Danders and Vincentio Pantalone are born
1904 – Gunther Goth, Cornelia Goth née Crumplebottom and Dacia Dreamer are born
1903 – Twinbrook, Dalmar Dreamer, Les Pleasant and Lucetta Brighella are born
1902 – Dull Dottore, Jaquenetta Dottore and Petunia Simnitch are born
1901 – Thurio Brighella and Vera Loste are born
1900 – Mathilde Norman, Gertrude Beaker and Leonard Simnitch are born
1899 – William Norman is born
1898 – Canute Beaker and Annie Hogleg are born
1897 – Eleanor Anjou and Notzo Curious are born
1896 – Henry Anjou and Goshem Loste are born
1895 – Dulcinea Caliente is born
1894 – Hamm Hogleg is born
1893 – Bunny Curious is born
1892 – Nestor Caliente, Eurydice Salamis and Zoe Curious née Whelohff are born
1891 – Andros Salamis is born
1890 – The Modern Landgraab Dynasty begins
1889 – Queen Thebe is born
1888 – Eetion Thebe is born
1887 – Hecuba Albion is born
1885 – Enriqueta Bachelor, Priam Albion and Julia Pantalone are born
1884 – Cleopatra Capp and Proteus Pantalone are born
1883 – Milton Bachelor and Mariana Capitano are born
1882 – Angelo Capitano and Overdone Zanni are born
1881 – Lucio Zanni is born
1879 – Antony Capp is born
1878 – Portia Monty is born
1876 – Prudence Crumplebottom and Bassanio Monty are born
1875 – Robert Crumplebottom and Calpurnia Caesar are born
1874 – Gretle Goth is born and Simon Crumplebottom is born
1873 – Julius Caesar is born
1872 – Victor Goth and Olivia Goth are born
1870 – Samuel Goth is born
1866 – Cherish Curious is born
1864 – Rich Whelohff is born
1863 – Marshall Curious is born
1862 – Rosy Whelohff is born
1831 – Steward Curious is born
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girzish · 7 years ago
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The Arlecchino Extended Family
Trinculo and his wife Maria feel like they have too much room at the house, now that both of his parents have passed on. Their daughter, Hero (Monty) is precious and spoiled.
Trin’s twin, Ceres, lets life take her where it may. She was surprised, but excited to learn the aliens had left her a gift after they abducted her, and now can’t imagine life without Titus. She might not be willing to fully commit to Macbeth, but she’s dedicated to Titus (and now Hecuba) forever.
Baby brother Adrian Arlecchino has always moved to his own beat. His older siblings were always thick as thieves, so Adrian was always his own best friend. He was shocked when Goldwing Gossamer started paying him so much attention, and while he’s not sure what like with Gold will bring him, he thinks he’s made a good choice.
Growing up, Ceres and Trinculo were always together and were a little bit incestuous (giving each other back rubs all the time, sleeping in the same bed), so I thought they’d get a little bit like Cersei and Jaime. But when Maria came along and stole all of Trin’s attention, Ceres started to be more independent.
Maria’s older brother, Nicholas Amantes, was finally able to convince Mariana Monty to marry him and move in with him and his parents, Petruchio and Katherina. Mariana keeps to herself mostly, but she’s happy with Nicky and their young daughter Diana.
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unanimouslalablah · 3 years ago
A split Veronaville grows stronger: 1960s-1970s
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Tension between the Capps, Montys, and their affiliates grew on as their parents passed away, and as they began to control the higher society of Veronaville. Due to the prior Pantalones and Montys owning several farms and transportation services, they blocked transportation stops and meetings to West Veronaville (Capps), and made sure they lacked resources for food. Holofernes, Judith, Trinculo, and Maria helped in the assistance to cut agriculture from the other side. It got so bad to the point that they created a manufactured river to split the sides up.
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Consort and Contessa, with the help of Richard, Anne, Tobea, and Hamlet used their political and business affiliations to not only blackball Patrizio and Isabella, but to punish their family friends Judith, Holofernes, Trinculo, and Maria from many of the meetings, clubs, and ventures. The physical violence mainly stuck between the two feuding families. It got so bad to the point that the Monty children and their affiliates were blocked from attending private school.
It's not surprising to anyone outside of the groups to see why tourism and migration in Veronaville depleted during this period.
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unanimouslalablah · 3 years ago
Monty children and future spouses as toddlers
Late 60s
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Patrizio, Isabella, Judith, and Holofernes with toddlers Claudio and Olivia.
Late 60s/Early 70s
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Patrizio, Isabella, Maria, and Trinculo with toddlers Antonio and Hero.
Early 70s
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Unfortunately, none of their friends had children by the time Bianca was born.
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unanimouslalablah · 3 years ago
Monty Wedding, 1962
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Vicentino, Valentine, Silvia, and Francisca passed away a few months before the wedding, and despite it being a happy moment for Patrizio and Isabella, it made the event very conflicting for them both.
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They both decided to put the graves of their parents beside the wedding arch, to honor and feel their presence.
The Monty couples friends (Gossamers, Summerdreams, Dottores, and Arlecchinos) attended the beautiful wedding at Monty Ranch, and enjoyed seeing the couple unite as one.
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cornyregans · 4 years ago
GVGP: Capp & Monty 3
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Having covered almost every sim in this group, let’s review our findings.
Similar to last time, all of the information for each sim is split into several charts. Like in the individual entries, everything is color-coded, and I will give a special mention to any oddities found in a sim’s genetic code when they come up.
Genetic Profiles
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Oddity 1: Hamlet Dane Jr.’s S2 Skintone
To explain this Hamlet Jr.’s skintone discrepancy, we would have to assume that he either had a tan or that there were some unknown factors involved.
I recently discovered that there is a way to explain this discrepancy, so this blurb is no longer relevant.
Hair Color
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Oddity 2 1: Tobea Dane’s Brown Hair and Richard Norman’s Black Hair
I ended up grouping Tobea and Richard’s hair color discrepancies together since they’re very similar. Tobea could have had brown hair if her mother had a brown allele in her genetic code. As for Richard, his black hair makes sense if his mother had a black allele in her genetic code.
Eye Color
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Oddity 3 2: Consort Capp’s Grey Eyes
One of Consort’s grandparents would have needed an allele for grey eyes in their genetic code. We know that that grandparent could not have been Eetion because he was the only sim who could have passed down a brown allele to Andromache. If that grandparent was Queen, then Hecuba was likely homozygous, and Priam would have been the source of Hector’s green eyes. Were Hecuba or Priam the source of the grey allele, the other would have needed an allele for green eyes to pass to Hector, and Queen would have likely been homozygous.
Oddity 4 3: Anne Norman’s Dark Blue Eyes
To explain Anne’s dark blue eyes, we would either need to assume that she wore color contacts (and that her real eye color was either grey or green), or that there were some unknown factors involved.
As A Whole
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Hair Color
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Oddity 5 6: Judith Dottore’s Blonde Hair
To explain Judith’s blonde hair, one or both of her parents would have needed a blonde allele in their genetic codes.
Eye Color
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As A Whole
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As A Whole
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Hair Color
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Oddity 6 5: Contradictory Hair Colors
Contessa, Consort, and Patrizio’s hair colors differ between the storytelling pictures and SimPE. Contessa and Consort are both blond(e) in the storytelling images, yet SimPE lists their hair color as black. When looking at their genetic histories, you can see that the only option of the two that works is blond(e). Patrizio has black hair in the storytelling images, yet SimPE lists him as a brunet. He could realistically have either one, but making Valentine a brunet is required for brown hair to work.
SimPE lists Isabella as a blonde. Despite that, many simmers interpret her as a brunette. For Isabella to have brown hair, making Vincentio a brunet is required, whereas she could be blonde without any problems. Because of the contradictions in her genetic profile, we are unable to rely on Francisca to help us here.
Eye Color
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As A Whole
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Planned Additional Essays
Just like last time, I have some additional essays planned for specific members of this group. While I already mentioned them before, two of those essays belong to Anne Norman and Hamlet Dane Jr., two sims with nonsensical genetics. That said, I may wait until I’m done with the next generation to post them since there are parts of both essays that may inadvertently spoil their descendants’ genetic profiles.
In addition to those two sims, I also have an essay planned to look at Patrizio and Isabella’s hair colors. That said, this essay will have to wait until all their descendants are covered, as it relates to them as well.
Visual Profiles
Even though I covered a whopping twelve sims in this section, two sims are missing from that group. These sims, Prospero and Sycorax Gale, do not have any ancestors. As such, I decided to save their visual profiles for the summary since they will show up in some entries down the road.
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Visual profiles for Caliban Capp’s parents
Who’s Next?
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It was probably a good idea for me to put Prospero and Sycorax’s genetic profiles in this summary because their son is the first sim up in the next group.
As of this summary going up, I have completed the first three entries. I would have done more, but I haven’t been feeling that great mentally for the past week or so, so I’m a little behind. That said, I’ll try to get them all done soon.
Thanks for reading!~ <3
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cornyregans · 4 years ago
GVGP Profile: Trinculo Arlecchino
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Our first entry in this group of twelve belonged to Maria Arlecchino. It seems like the random number generator has a sense of humor, as our final entry belongs to Maria’s husband, and Hero Monty’s father, Trinculo Arlecchino.
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Trinculo Arlecchino’s Genetic Profile
According to the Monty family tree, Trinculo was the son of Stephano and Quickley Arlecchino. As you can see in his genetic profile, Trinculo’s parents are his only known ancestors. As such, this entry will likely be somewhat short compared to those belonging to his daughter and grandchildren.
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Trinculo Arlecchino’s Visual Profile
As Hero’s father, and grandfather to her twins with Antonio Monty, Vincentio will be present in each of their genetic profiles and will be given a mention whenever necessary.
As the son of an S2 father and an S3 mother, Trinculo being S2 makes perfect sense.
Hair Color
As the son of a black-haired father and a brunette mother, Trinculo having black hair makes perfect sense. Since his parents did not have the same hair color, Trinculo was likely heterozygous.
Eye Color
As the son of two brown-eyed sims, Trinculo also having brown eyes makes perfect sense. Since his parents had the same eye color, Trinculo was likely homozygous for this trait provided nothing contradictory comes up later.
As a Whole
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Trinculo Arlecchino’s filled out genetic profile. As you can see, all three traits make perfect sense when taking his known ancestry into account, which is why his entry is on the shorter side.
Who’s Next?
Now that we’ve finished with the Gen. 3 Capps and Montys, our next entry will sum up everything we covered so far, reveal any additional essays I have planned, provide us with the Gale couple’s visual profiles, and tell us the order for the next group of sims.
Thanks for reading!~ <3
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unanimouslalablah · 2 years ago
Arlecchino Family Origins: Generations 2 and 3 Ancestry Results
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Trinculo Arlecchino grew up respecting Family values, and wanted to hold the integrity and names for the Arlecchinos, making it his sole priority. He decided to become a professor to attain during his career path, and used that to position his family in the proletariat. Being a close ally to Patrizio would be his undoing.
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Maria Arlecchino took place in all the beauty pageants that her peers Isabella, Judith, Contessa, etc. took did during her youth, so she could get in the most prestigious schools and groups as possible, so she could become a socialite. She was an athlete and dancer in her adulthood. Unfortunately, she and her husband would lose their lives in their middle ages, and some blamed her affiliation with Isabella as a reason.
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Hero Monty always felt like she was cursed in her life, especially after the suspicious deaths of her parents. She was a likable and popular woman throughout her life, who brought out balance to her introverted husband Antonio. She would take on the Politics and Journalism careers throughout her life, and her fear of sharing the same fate as her parents (dying in middle age) sadly came true.
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unanimouslalablah · 2 years ago
Gale family, 1976
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Prospero and Sycorax migrated to Veronaville within the last 15 years, and were the neutral party between the two sides in Veronaville. They just wanted to be well liked and to focus on their family, but when Caliban was put in the school system, they were pressured into choosing a side.... the Capps.
Dottore family, 1976
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Holofernes put all of his work and effort into his career, and Judith was thrilled with being in any sort of position of power, but their priorities changed when Olivia was born (everyone is still confused on how she became darker than them). It also didn't help that they sided with the Montys too much, and receives strife when people were intimidated by the Montys.
Dane family, 1976
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The Dane family was one of the quieter ones, but don't take that as them being less powerful than the others. Tobea put in everything to make sure that her family was thriving, and that meant supporting Hamlet in whatever career path and clique he chose to partake in, and making sure their young Cornwall lived up to his potential.
Arlecchino family, 1976
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The Arlecchino family was huge on stability and family. Maria was huge in setting her family up financially, and Trinculo being all about the Italian family vibes. Both of that put Hero in the position to want to live up to her given name. With them siding with the Montys, it caused them to see the Capps as enemies.
Norman family, 1976
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The Norman family was a tight knit one, but it gave little Albany the family values that he wanted to pass down to his own family some day. Both Richard and Anne were involved in the Politics career, and were very popular in the Veronaville upper society.... or at least the Capp side of it.
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unanimouslalablah · 3 years ago
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Late 70s, early 80s. Monty affiliates.
As some families chose to side with the Capps, other families (that were no where near as powerful as the Summerdreams and Gossamers, to afford being neutral) like the Arlecchinos and Dottores sided with the Montys. Was it a coincidence that the divide ended up being based on color lines, and phenotypes? No one can answer that question.
It also was not a coincidence that the children of the Arlecchinos and Dottores (Hero and Olivia) married into the Monty family, especially with all three families having the same values, and living on East Veronaville. It pained Patrizio and Isabella to see not only their friends pass away young, but their daughters to follow that same fate was too much to deal with. They both knew how it was like to lose their parents young, and their grandchildren having that same fate fueled a new sense of anger and layer in the feud.
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cornyregans · 4 years ago
GVGP: Holofernes Dottore
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After a quick break, we’re back to covering ancestral sims. This time it’s Olivia Monty’s father, Holofernes Dottore.
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Holofernes Dottore’s Genetic Profile
According to the Monty family tree, Holofernes was the son of Dull and Jaquenetta Dottore. As you can see in his genetic profile, Holofernes’ parents are his only known ancestors. As such, this entry will likely be somewhat short compared to those belonging to his daughter and grandsons.
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Holofernes Dottore’s Visual Profile
As Olivia’s father, and grandfather to her sons with Claudio Monty, Holofernes will be present in each of their genetic profiles and will be given a mention whenever necessary.
As the son of an S3 father and an S2 mother, Holofernes being S2 makes perfect sense.
Hair Color
As the son of two black-haired sims, Holofernes having black hair makes perfect sense. Since his parents had the same hair color, we can assume that Holofernes was homozygous for the trait provided nothing contradictory comes up later.
Eye Color
As the son of two brown-eyed sims, Holofernes also having brown eyes makes perfect sense. Since his parents had the same eye color, Holofernes was likely homozygous for this trait provided nothing contradictory comes up later.
As a Whole
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Holofernes Dottore’s filled out genetic profile. As you can see, all three traits make perfect sense when taking his known ancestry into account, which is why his entry is on the shorter side.
Who’s Next?
Our last entry in this group belongs to Hero’s father, Trinculo Arlecchino.
Thanks for reading!~ <3
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tamtam-go92 · 7 years ago
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Now to adorable Hero *-*
She is the only daughter of Trinculo and Maria Arlecchino and lives with them at Newcrest (Veronaville). She is mostly known as Antonio Monty’s decreased wife and mother of his twins Benedick and Beatrice. Durng this timeline she is four years old and a clingy little toddler.
Trait: Clingy
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